Welsh Revival (Evan Roberts)

Psalm 85:6 Will You not REVIVE us again, That Your people may rejoice in You? We believe that the greatest revival in human history is on the way. And we have become extremely intentional as a church concerning the pursuit of Revival! We like to define Revival at New Hope Revival Church as “God pouring out His Spirit so intensely that it causes mans SPIRIT, SOUL, and BODY to return back to the original state in which God intended it while creating a revived obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ!” I believe as we are petitioning Heaven for an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit it is Relevant to become Great Students of Revival! From 1904-1905 what was known as the “Welsh Revival” in Wales which is part of the United Kingdom. There was a man by the name of Evan Roberts at 26 years old would experience one of the greatest moves of God in a generation! Evan Roberts would preach four primary things and the power of God would began to move. He preached the Confession of all known sin, Repentance and Restitution, Obedience and surrender to the Holy Spirit, and lastly a Public confession of Christ!!! When he preached these 4 things, the Spirit of God began to be poured out until there was weeping, shouting, crying out, joy and brokeness. Some would shout out, “No more, Lord Jesus, or I’ll die”. This was the beginning of the Welsh Revival. The power of God rocked Wales so intensely that in 6 months 100,000 souls came to Jesus Christ!! Oh God that you would rend the heavens and come down in America and shake the state of New Mexico with your glory!!!!!! Send Revival Jesus until massive amounts of souls fall on their faces saying what must I do to be saved!!!!! The power of God rocked Wales until Social impact was reported. Judges were presented with white gloves signifying no cases to be tried because there was no robberies, no murders, no rapes!!!!!! Alcoholism was cut in half. At times hundreds of people would stand to declare their surrender to Christ as Lord. Restitution was made, gamblers and others normally untouched by the ministry of the church came to Christ. In one place the sergeant of police was sent for and asked, ‘What do you do with your time?’ He replied, ‘Before the revival, we had two main jobs, to prevent crime and to control crowds, as at football games. Since the revival started there is practically no crime. So we just go with the crowds.’ GOD SEND A REVIVAL TO NEW MEXICO OF HISTORICAL PROPORTION!! That revival also affected sexual moral standards. Through the figures given by British government experts that in Radnorshire and Merionethshire the illegitimate birth rate had dropped 44% within a year of the beginning of the revival. New Mexico is ranked number 1 in teen pregnancy!! God send a revival of purity to New Mexico and change the statistics with your great power!!!!! Join us Tuesday night at New Hope Revival Church at 6:30pm as we continue to cry out for the Revival Fires of the Holy Spirit in New Mexico!!!!!!!!!